Saturday, April 18, 2009

Things aren't always as they seem

At first glance something may look bad or unpleasant

but if you look closer, closer still

You can find beauty everywhere.

Bad times become good times; over time

Quiet becomes Loud or Loud becomes quiet

Beauty, they say fades . I say it just changes.

Look closer the beauty is still there , you just need patients and an open heart to see it

Life is a long lesson in courage, patients,tolerance

All can be learnt , all can be found in love

simple, pure, honest love

Monday, April 13, 2009

what is an old house wife to do

I mean the kids are all grown and gone

The hubby is working , doing his thing

the problem is what is my thing?

All my obligations have been fulfilled

All my duties attended to.

Now what?

People always come back with

" you can do anything you want"

But in there lies my problem

What do I want?

My kids health and happiness

My husbands health and happiness

A clean house

Food to eat , a place to sleep

I have all of this

What now?

What do I do with myself now?

How do I contribute to this world?

How is my existence of use?

Heavy questions

in a heavy time .

People are scared , worried, the world at large is unsure, extra fragile.

What could a house wife from Manitoulin do to help ?

More questions than answers

but that's part of it too I guess.

Oh well

Ponder , I keep pondering as the weather changes,

I won't worry about it , I'll keep my eyes and heart open to any ideas that may find it's way to me .

Till the next time

be safe and free
