Monday, March 30, 2009

do you know who he is this little bird?
twice the size of the little finches he is eating with
with no one of his own to play with
Do you know this little bird
His name and where he comes from
let me know

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The first day of Spring and not a moment to soon !

The moon and all her power looks over us all

watchful , mysterious,

Object of song and pose

she the moon , changing form daily, monthly

but always the moon is part of the ebbs and flow of life.

Spring has finally come and the moon celebrates with us.
hey my faithful followers( all 4 of you)
I apologize for my neglect but we have been having computer issue that I am unable to avoid.
we will keep trying to get out to ya'

We are fine creating and enjoying the warmer weather ( Finally)
be safe
enjoy the sun
A la Later