Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What does Curling and maple trees have in common you may ask?


I have been spending my days either curling or helping a friend collect her maple water to make maple syrup . The old fashion way I might add; Walking through the forest with a big pail emptying the little pails hanging off the trees.... All 200 trees worth.

I'm loving it !! So great to be out doors in the fresh air. It's great

As for the curling yet an other bonspiel this weekend. My 5Th this year! Wow

Having a really good winter this year . The mild weather has helped I'm sure but keeping busing never hurts either.

Enjoy the great out doors as much as you can . I am trying to .

my new favorite saying goes something like this:

" In just two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday"

A La Later

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