Tuesday, February 17, 2009

With full heart I witnessed your vows,
with pride I now watch you live your hard fought, richly deserved life together

The first year in the making of your marriage quilt
A quilt that will have many colours and textures before its done.

A second chance at finding peace with a true partner
A renewed sense of yourselves
Is the true gift you both found in each other.
Happy 1st anniversary my dear friends

First of Many

Enjoy the Ride! Celebrate all the little wonders;
it helps when it comes time to heal the little wounds that are inevitable along the way.

Laugh often and be gentle;
both will serve you well in the bad patches

Happy is work but happy is worth it.

Happy Number 1 and counting!

love ya'

1 comment:

  1. Aww, what a wonderful shout-out. I'm sure they greatly appreciate it.
